
I’ve been translating professionally since 2005, when I completed a master’s degree at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. Between 2007 and 2012, I combined my freelance translation work with lecturing at Heriot-Watt, teaching modules in Spanish to English Translation and Liaison Interpreting.

I moved to London in 2013 and got involved with the translation community there as Membership Secretary of the London Regional Group of the ITI. In 2021, I moved to Bath with my husband and daughter and I’m now a member of the ITI Western Regional Group.

Some of the areas I specialise in are personal interests of mine: I am a keen bird-watcher and all-round nature lover, and take a great interest in environmental issues. I love to explore new places, so travel guides are a personal favourite. In my spare time I play the flute, read a lot of books, and love food and cooking.


MSc Translation & Technology,
Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh) | 2006

I passed both the diploma and the dissertation stages of this course with distinction. My MSc dissertation was on politeness theory and computer-assisted translation, and was entitled “The Translation of Hedges using Computer-Assisted Translation Tools in the European Union”.

BA (Hons) Spanish Language & Literature with French,
University of Leeds | 2003

I achieved a distinction for my spoken Spanish and was also awarded the Premio Hispanidad for academic excellence by the Instituto Cervantes.

Language Skills

  • Fluent in written and spoken Spanish
  • Native speaker of British English

As well as my formal education in Spanish, I have spent an extensive period of time living and working in Spain and have a very high level of fluency in both written and spoken Spanish.

My time in Spain has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the Spanish culture and language, both in a formal business setting and in a social environment.

For 16 months I worked as an in-house translator/interpreter at Castellón-based electronics company Novosonic La Plana. During my time there, I gained a great deal of experience in the translation of technical documents relating to car stereos and multimedia interfaces. I also acted as a telephone and liaison interpreter.

Whilst living in Spain I also taught English to students at the Instituto de Educación Secundaria Augustóbriga and the Escuela de Inglés Fernando Alfonso, both in Navalmoral de la Mata, Cáceres.

Areas of Specialisation

Below are my main areas of specialisation but this is not an exhaustive list, so if the text you wish to translate does not fit into one of these categories, please feel free to contact me so that I can evaluate your needs. I'd be happy to refer you to a trusted colleague specialising in your text type if necessary.

Environment & Ecology

Renewable energies, global warming, carbon footprints & carbon offset, botany, zoology, geography & nature.

Medicine & Healthcare

Academic research papers, market research questionnaires & responses, clinical trial documentation.

Certified translations

Degree certificates, academic transcripts, birth certificates & other official documentation.

Information Technology

Software manuals, hardware documentation, the internet, social media.


Audio & video equipment, electronics, instruction manuals.


Olive oil, wine, jamón, food packaging, cooking instructions, recipes, menus.

Tourism & Travel

Guide books, tourist information, travel websites.